Saturday, March 1, 2014

From my view at sea level, to the mountains peaks, to the Kathmandu Valley… the altitude, the scenery and the engaging people all take my breath away.

Sometime's it's hard to leave my comfort zone, yet the mountains keep calling. The beauty is mesmerizing–and the bright, hardworking people–even more so.  This developing country is moving forward despite the steep mountains of daily challenges, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to follow and learn from Deepak, Indira, Dipanker and the people they work with who are making such a positive impact on this captivating country.  Further, I'm ecstatic about working with teachers and children in a mountain school far away from the confines, yet offerings, of the valley floor, so I've tossed my sneakers, laced up my boots, and picked up my pack(s): the race is on.


Anonymous said...

It is exciting to think that we can almost peer over your shoulder in this, yet another, trek! Way to go, Rosemary!

John Heckman Wright said...

To the mountain peak! In a few days you'll be on top of the world. How thrilling.

Bill B said...

Glad to know you survived the air travel, I'm enjoying it all so far!