Monday, April 13, 2009

The sacred Khumbi-la, the Thami River & the Yeti skull

This is the last post for six days. Hopefully, I've acclimatized enough to make it to the next
couple of villages and increased altitudes. Trekking this high is extremely challenging, but the beauty of the surroundings keeps me doggedly trudging. I feel great; however, I'm very slow, so realistically my new goal is to make it to Gorak Shep. I can't see me getting fast enough to make the seven/eight hour turn around time for Kala Patar or Everest Base Camp. However, I'll be happy if I never take another step up. Trekking among the world's highest peaks, oldest cultures and diverse villages is everything I've ever dreamed of. "Ma koosi laagyo;" I am happy. See you in six days!
The Yeti Skull
The raging Thami River provides hydro-electic power for twenty two villages.

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