Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's all up hill

In 1979, I heard Arlene Blum's engaging presentation on Annapurna; I was swept away by the beauty and the intensity of the picturesque mountain range, and I vowed to go trekking there "someday." For twenty eight years, I immersed myself in books about the Himalayas while time and commitments kept my feet on the reachable trails of Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens. Fast forward to April, 2007: I heard Arlene speak at the Mazama Lodge, and when she mentioned the Holiday Trek, suddenly, I knew that "Someday" had arrived. I pulled my muscles out of sabbatical(they had gone to hell in a hand basket), I shook my "walk don't run" mindset out of lazy, and I yanked my body out of the "who cares as long as you're happy" mode. Seven months later, I've downgraded my daily chocolate and bakery requirements and upgraded to a smaller sized wardrobe. On December 18th, better known as "Someday," I'll navigate the travel hoops with my back pack and duffels(no wheels allowed)and head to Kathmandu.
Ma sanga aaunos (come with me)


Gena said...

Hi Rosie, I am filled with admiration for your true grit and determination to carry out this trip which you are compelled to do.
I know you will succeed and be very proud of your ahievement.
May peace and strength be with you, I shall be sitting on your shoulder every step of the way!
Take care

Maria said...

Don't forget to leave room for Darjeeling tea and saris inside Kerry's woolly Sherpa hat. You should have lots of room after you've eaten the canned ham and drunk the wine coolers! ;-)

Judy said...

Rosie, it looks like Girl Scout
training will come in handy;
all that hiking, camping, and
survival skills -- not to mention developing a gourmet some-mores
Now go climb that mountain!

Peggy said...

I got my confirmation and I hope this comment comes through. I am ready to blog my way through this trip. Does blogging reduce fat?

Emily said...

Hey, Rosemary --

I am imagining a (very long) string of prayer flags stretching from our small Colorado mountain to the magnificent one you will soon climb . . . .

Blessings on you and your journey.

