Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So much beauty in the world, but this place keeps calling me back.

And this trip, for the first time, I'm taking balls and jump ropes…

…and…hand held microscopes for field trips
plus more tablets, a computer and a printer 

Exciting times are coming to this village.

    Let the good times roll…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love these pictures you are putting on your blog, especially the one of you looking at the mountain! It captures, in some small respect, the feelings you might be experiencing at that moment... Gratefulness in being able to take another journey to this magestic place of peace and tranquility and also where you are part of a culture that has accepted you as family and have taken you into their hearts, as you have them! So happy that you are able to do this adventure in helping change people's life's for the better! You are are my hero! 💕