Friday, February 26, 2016

From the skies of Dubi to the hills of the Himalayas

From Dubi: Wednesday’s storm canceled Chicago flights, todays brilliant sunshine opened the runways and the skies.  In my state of semi exhaustion, when I arrived in Dubi, I followed a long haired person into the men’s restroom and not one guy in front of overcrowded urinals seemed to mind. I think I just brought "gender neutral bathrooms" to another country. Meanwhile, flying in to Doha  was like entering  another world. My heavy backpacks have two more security belts to go through with tablets, computers, printer…why didn’t someone make a sign for my back: “If you have no patience, get in another line.” On a good note, I met some people from Toronto who are Argo fans and several people from Nepal who work in Dubi but miss their country. What a day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Had to chuckle at this one because I could just see you going into the men' s room and not blinking an eye! You were on a mission and it didn't matter where it took you as long as it was accomplished, right? Haha!💕😉