Saturday, February 27, 2016

Please world: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

Since the days of Edmund Hillary, Kathmandu's airport has kept it simple. Planes fly in, workers unload duffels onto carts, wheel the carts in, dump the loads on the floor, everyone claims their gear and races through the door flashing their claim numbers. After the earthquake, some do-gooders decided conveyer belts were needed. New system: Conveyer belts swallow up space, workers wheel in the carts and one by one, place the items on the belts which slowly make their way around a loop while hoards of people try to climb over each other to capture their gear. Through the loading door, we could see our stuff piled on the carts, waiting to be doled out. What used to take ten minutes took well over a hellish
 hour. Although the crowd had diminished by the time I took this picture, earlier this had the feel of angry spectators at the World Cup. 

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