Saturday, December 22, 2007

Irony Everywhere

We are still waiting for our flight out; the anticipation has turned to a sluggish resolve to hurry up and wait. Meanwhile, I'll show you a little more of Nepal. How is it that a country that has produced so many beautiful temples, monestaries, stupas, gods and goddesses, has not managed to develope an operationally safe water system. The top picture shows the beauty of the statues and the second picture is a stark example of a depleated water system that people still use. Note the man in the corner trying to retrieve a drink from the unsanitary trickle. The bottom picture was taken at the bustling market place; visualize the smells and the sounds.


Joan said...

A picture truely is worth a thousand words, yet I hang on every word you write. To see this trip come to fruition is amazing. Happy hiking.

Peggy said...

Be sure that on the next blog you send us some pictures of your trekking buddies and you.

Have a safe trip!