Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm in Pokhara

I just have a few minutes in this internet cafe before we go to dinner, but I wanted to let you all know that I am safe and having a wonderful time. Trekking the Himalayas was everything I had ever hoped for and more. Nepal is a magical place and the mountains stand out at every turn in the trail. The people are very friendly and the children captured my heart at every stop. Trekking through forest, up and down mountainsides, and crossing unbelievably difficult bridges, gave me a deep appreciation of modern technology as well as a longing for the togetherness and connection that I see in these people who are not stretched beyond their souls due to that technology that makes our lives so easy. When you see the pictures, you will know what I mean. I promise pictures tomorrow if I can find a place that will take the cards.

I hope your Christmas was full of love and laughter and wish you the best in the New Year.

There is a huge festival here in Pokhara; the streets are filled with people and there is music and dancing everywhere. It should be a fun filled two days before we start the safari.

Hopefully I can find away to post pictures soon.


Peggy said...

Judy and I have been in constant communication regarding your trip. The terrible bridge collapse in the mountainous area somewhere in the direction of Pokhara gave us a scare. They indicated 100 people were missing. So we are well aware of the lack of technology. I am looking forward to the photos and glad you are safe. And don't get on any bridges with more than a few other people till you get home.
Love and Happy New Year,

Judy said...

Rosie, we are glad you are safe --
and soaking up all the sights, sounds, and smells. Had no doubts
that you would make it; however
there was that morning of the bridge collapse that gave concern
until we realized that y'all were
not on your way to that festival.
Finish strong, and sing me up for
your return trip!
love, Judy (from team lawnchair)