Saturday, March 5, 2016

A former teacher introduced me to a former trekker who wanted to make a difference. On this day, he did just that.

Thank you Linda
Ayers for introducing me to Darrell Fort who trekked in the
Annapurna region years ago thus witnessed first hand the poverty in the mountain regions and the lack of supplies in remote village schools. At my suggestion, he purchased hand held microscopes and a classroom microscope with boxes of prepared and blank slides for classroom use. No one had seen hand held microscopes, so the students were in awe of the whole process-from putting them together, to looking at onion skin, to suddenly realizing they could use them to check out their own skin, their friends skin, and their hair, eyes and ears. Other classes started piling in the room to watch and wait their turn. Can't wait to see them take these outside to see plants, trees, bugs and vegetation. 
Unbelievable excitement rippled through the classroom; soon the classes next door were hanging in the door and windows, asking for a chance to see these amazing pieces. Their teacher was speechless as the students spun into action finding endless ways to use their new microscopes. It was a magical day for students in this school. Thank you Linda for connecting us and to you Darrel for making a difference in the lives of these students.

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