Sunday, February 9, 2014

Trekking with Tenacity: At 68, it's not too late to live outside the box!

A waif in the 50's–a child of Texas discipline. No one asked how I felt or what I thought…outside meant security. Away from walls, racing through the brush, I was a prodigal girl, a candy cigarette and a vanilla shake with a brief reprieve from, "Yes, Sir, No Sir" and miles away from: "Do as you're told." Outside, every blade of grass and a million sticker bushes stood up with the chiggers, the scorpions, the snakes, the humidity.  All spoke: "You can dance, you can dream, you can run, you can scream. The wind will carry your voice." 

Thus my lust: distant trails, perpetual pinnacles, endless sunrises.

So here I am, once again, headed to the highest peaks, the humblest people, the hyaline of intrigue. I've trained on mountains sides and treadmills, packed equipment and supplies, and now, I'm a tiny speck in a tenacious land, returning to an aggregation of  beauty: 
                     The Riveting Himalaya.



Way to go Rosemary....we are applauding you for your spirit of adventure and giving to others.

Mero naam Rosie Ho said...

Thanks for your comments and support. Now if I can carry all these cool supplies to the school.